Tuesday 14 May 2024

Research Task Eight : Research Into Other Independent Music Magazine Websites

Part one

The way in which 'Metal Hammer' sets out their home page of the website is in the same theme as other independent online magazines. They have their masthead in the same font as the magazines, showing evidence of digital convergence, making it easy for readers to identify the magazine and know it is related. At the top of the page, it also has hyperlinks used to direct the readers to a different page which may have information they are interested in, for example newsletters and shop. They have also placed their socials at the top, making it easy to link other platforms they are on to their website so that they can be shared to other people who may be interested as well as get feedback on their publications as it allows the readers to contact them through comments and likes. It also gives you the option to subscribe to the magazine, allowing you to access subjects within the magazine that other people may not be able to access, as well as a search bar so that you can instantly find the information you are curious about. Another way that 'Metal Hammer' follow the generic conventions of independent magazines is through the use of advertisement  at the top of the home page. Like with the subscription, the advertisement allows them to have an income as they get paid to display and promote other products or websites. The further you scroll down the home page it shows you the latest news of bands, independent artists and other information about music that is relevant to their readers. 

Part two

Further down the hope page it allows you to access other stories and information of featured artists and bands which relates to the theme of heavy metal, as that is the type of audience this independent magazine is trying to reach. The advertising continues down the page, still trying to promote other products, which is in theme of other magazine websites. Unlike other independent magazines though, they also mention very well known bands and artists such as 'Iron Maiden' and 'Ghost'. This shows how they may be trying to reach a wider audience by talking about well known artists to capture the interest of people who know them, which may lead them to find other small less known bands and artists with the same style of music. By doing this it may convince them to subscribe or buy the magazine so that they can get more information on new artists and find new people to listen to who have the same style of music they are interested in. By referencing well known bands and artists within those bands, it may be trying to reach out to a certain audience such as people of older generation as they mention older metal bands which younger people may not know, as well as an audience who prefer metal and heavy rock.

Part three

When using the hyperlinks at the top of the home page, it takes you to a different page. For example the shop hyperlink takes you to a separate page which promotes their products and merchandise. This would have many advantages for the magazine, one of these would be the fact that by having people be interested in their products it means that they get more money from people buying their stuff, it acts as another source of income from their audience. It may also mean that people go out in public in their t-shirts or use their bags. By doing this it may catch random peoples attention and cause them to be interested in where they got the products from and lead them to the magazine, meaning their audience would widen and they would be able to gain more money from the new people subscribing and buying their merchandise. They also have hyperlinks at the top of the page to take you to a different page promoting other styles of their products which are based on different genres of music within the heavy metal music industry. For example, Prog takes you to a page with Pink Floyd merchandise, whereas Louder has Green day and Joy Division merchandise, trying to attract readers who have different styles and interests. 

Extension Task:

Part one

The way that 'So young' lays out their home page is different from other independent magazines like 'Metal Hammer' The format takes up the whole page, unlike many other magazine websites which are set more vertically to fit on smaller screens such as phones. They also dont have any advertisement on the home page, which is unusual as many if not all websites have some type of advertisement for an outside product. However, they do also have ways in which they fit the normal formatting of independent website magazines. They have their masthead in the centre at the top of the home page, in the same font as the magazine, also showing how they have digital convergence to make it easy to show they are both linked together. They also have their socials at the top of the page making it easy for people to go from the website to the other apps and vis versa, allowing them to gain a wider audience through current readers sharing the magazine online and making it easier for other people to find the magazine and be interested it. Their hyperlinks to other pages within the website are also situated at the top of the page, making it easy for readers to get to the information they are interest in. It also makes it easy for people to buy their magazines as the option to buy now or read now is in the middle of the top part of the page, surrounded by their best seller. By showing readers the best seller and giving them the option to buy now, its allowing them to see what the magazine is like and to buy it quickly.

Part two

Further down the home page it gives you an insight into the events and opportunities that the magazine has. It gives you information on how expensive it is to subscribe as well as enticing people through the use of discounts on their clothing. Below that it shows you all of the festivals and the opportunity to buy them. By placing these together it may be a way to convince people to subscribe as it means they get access to festivals that other magazines may not have, or by wanting to go to these festivals it may convince readers to subscribe as they may find the information provided to them interesting or helpful. The bright colours and discount on clothing could be used as a way to interest their audience which may be for a younger generation who are interested in alternative music. Again there is no advertisement present on the home page, showing how it differs from other magazine websites.

Part three

When clicking on the shop hyperlink at the top of the home page it takes you to a different page which consists of their merchandise. One way this may differ to other magazines, such as 'Metal Hammer', is the fact that the products they are selling is only their merchandise and subscription. It is a good way to get people interested in their magazine as they may wear the items of clothing and gain interest from other people who see the products and want to find out more. However one downside to this is the fact that readers may be interested in the bands featured within the magazine and want merchandise of them as well as just the independent magazine. However by having all possible items to buy such as clothes and the different issues, it makes it easier for people to buy as all products are in one place so you dont have to search around the website to find the product you want to buy. 

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