Friday 10 May 2024

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites

 Part One

The way 'TheWire' magazine is set out makes it easy for readers to navigate. By having all their hyperlinks at the top of the page, its one of the first things that people would see, meaning its easy for them to access the links they want. As well as placing the search bar at the top, making it easy for subscribers and new readers to search up a certain magazine they are looking for or information. They place the price of the magazine, as well as other options of reading, underneath the information about the latest publication of the magazine. This allows people to get the information they need about the contents of the magazine and then make the decision to buy it if they believe that it is a magazine they would be interested in. They also place the information about the current magazine next to an image of the front cover, also giving you information about the contents within the magazine to further enrich the readers with information. By doing this the readers may find something they are interested in and being convinced to purchase the copy and possibly subscribe or buy more issues of the magazine. They also use digital convergence between the website and the magazine itself. The masthead of the magazine 'TheWire', is also featured on the top of the website. Although it isn't the same colour, its the same font, making it easy to show that they are both connected to each other and have relevance, there is continuity. They also have a skyline at the top which is take up with advertisement, used to promote other companies or websites products/offers. 

Part Two

There is a continuous layout as you continue to scroll down the page. The other stories which are featured on the website are laid out in two columns running vertically down the page, each of them having a small description of what the image is promoting and a hyperlink to that page, where the reader will be able to find out more. There is also yet another opportunity to sign up to the website, find out what you will receive or get removed. There is also another block of advertisement, similar to the top of the page, where you may be advertised something you are interested in, as well as a way for them to gain money as the advertising companies pay them to present their products. They also place hyperlinks of their socials to further get people interested with their magazine and reach a wider audience. People would be able to follow, share, comment or like on their posts, for example on Instagram or Facebook. By doing this it allows their subscribers to share the content of the magazines with other people, reaching a wider audience and getting more people interested in their magazines, gaining more profit. 

Part Three

When clicking the hyperlink for the 'Events' it takes you to a new page which gives you the information on all the events such as exhibitions, tours, gigs etc.The events are also placed in countries outside of the UK, for example 'La Monte Young & Marina Zazeela: Dream House' is situated in the United States, showing how this magazine has a global and international audience which isn't confined to just the country they are published in. Highlighting how anyone anywhere can get involved in the magazine and become a subscriber. Although you are no longer on the home page of the website, they are still promoting their latest issue of 'TheWire' by having an image of it off to the side, as not to take away from the information being given on this page, but to still push towards their readers to buy this magazine. They are also recommending to sign up to their weekly newsletter to get a 'seven day digest of forthcoming events'. This may get readers interest to sign up as they are able to get information and updates on the latest events which they can take part in. 

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